The timezone you’re in is tracked by the main hands, with the second timezone tracked in 24-hour time with the rotating center disk, marked with the red arrow. The months are integrated into the roman numeral hour markers, with small apertures above each one. The number with the one window appearing black notes the number of the month.
The date is displayed through Rolex’s signature cyclops lens at the 3 o’clock position. Taking a function from the Yacht-Master II, the notched bezel actually rotates, allowing a quick change of the second timezone. With this being an annual calendar, the new movement, called Saros, takes into account the number of days in each month for you, be it 28, 30 or 31.
The Sky-Dweller case size is 42mm with three versions offered. One comes in yellow gold and another in white gold, both with matching straps. A third is offered in Rolex’s exclusive Everose, with a brown leather is the most professional online store selling AAA quality Rolex And rolex daytona rose gold replica,Omega replica watches.